$99.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Quick-Win Course Blueprint + Workbook

Enroll now during this Easy Enrollment Offer period for 85% OFF the retail tuition fee!

You 6 powerful benefits, including:

  1. Higher Conversions & More Customers
  2. New Profit Center, to diversify your income
  3. Momentum in your business
  4. Six-Figure Potential, annually
  5. Bridge to Profit Maximization
  6. Ultimate Lifestyle Offer that require no backend service or admin

What you'll get:

  • Complete Video Course
  • Companion WORKBOOK
  • 2-Week Course Launch Planner
  • $400 Hotel Savings Card
  • Charity Donation to Worthy Cause from every sale

You will receive email instructions to login to access the course and workbook. You will also receive an email with your $400 Hotel Savings Card certificate and activation details. See you on the other side!

What Clients Are Saying:

"Multiple 4-, 5-, and 6-Figure Results" Anthony and I have been collaborating to serve a range of clients, but specializing in helping coaches, course creators, and information experts launch, makeover and grow their businesses for years. My strengths of digital marketing and technology required to build successful marketing systems combined with Anthony’s digital marketing and direct response copywriting expertise in this niche created a winning team that’s resulted in quick results AND long-term sustainable success for clients who’ve been with us for years. I know clients are in great hands for strategy and copywriting for Facebook Ads, Landing and Sales Pages, Email Campaigns, and every step of the lead generating and sales conversion process. He’s got a knack for starting from scratch and crafting messaging and sales copy that deeply resonates with target audiences in practically every niche we’ve touched – which results in high-converting landing and sales pages. This means multiple 4-figure, 5-figure, and even 6-figure results for clients – consistently and on demand. More than a great work partner, Anthony’s a friend I trust.

Pol Cousineau (CPA Auditor (Quebec)), Founder - The Digital Navigator

"Hundreds of Qualified Leads..." "As a 20+ year veteran in the advertising and marketing industry, I have worked with a number of talented strategists and creatives. I hired Anthony as Senior Copywriter / Strategist and was immediately impressed with his copywriting skills, his research abilities, and his direct marketing strategies. Anthony wrote dozens of targeted industry articles, effective landing pages, video scripts, and promotional copy which generated hundreds of qualified leads for our company. He was always on point with his messaging and always met deadlines. Most importantly, Anthony always attacked his projects with a positive, go get ‘em attitude. That is always appreciated."

Troy Lott - Commercial Fleet Financing (CFF)