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Learn More About Why We Believe FREE HOMESCHOOL SUMMIT is the #1 Homeschool Marketing Opportunity in North America...
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Sponsor Registration Ends September 13, 2024
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We are committed to delivering the best homeschooling resources, tools, curriculum, and solutions to our audience and would love for to be a part of that mission.
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Meet Your Event Hosts:
Anthony & Crystal Obey

"Join our mission to equip intentional parents to educate exceptional kids!"
For more than 20 years we have known that homeschooling is the greatest opportunity for providing a world-class and customized education for our children who are uniquely wired and gifted to contribute to shaping a brighter future for us all.
After studying the homeschooling industry for two decades and homeschooling our five children - aged 12, 10, 8, 5, and 18 mos. - for twelve years and counting, we've gained high-level clarity on quality education, the paths to it, and how to homeschool children with differen learning styles towards higher learning readiness and marketplace success.
We're bringing together over 100 industry-leading experts and resourses and will help you build your winning home education plan for your children. And the best part, you'll be able to access a whole world of best-in-class homeschooling materials without ever leaving home.
FREE HOMESCHOOL SUMMIT makes it possible for everyone, everywhere to deliver a top-shelf education to their children and set them up for successFin higher education, career, and life!
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