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Pricing Strategy for More Sales and HUGE Profits high ticket vs low ticket pricing strategy sales conversion sales funnel Jun 04, 2024

Let me ask you a crazy question.

Are you in business to make money?

If this is a crazy question to you...good! That means we're on the same page.

If you say, "No, I'm in business to do good." I would push back with, "You can't do much good if you don't make money."

Then I'd whip out my handy...

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High Ticket VS Low Ticket Offers? Try THIS for Max Conversions + Profits! copywriting dan kennedy digital course digital marketing success high ticket coaching high ticket vs low ticket make money online sales funnel Apr 13, 2024

Are you trying to figure out whether you should sell high ticket offers or low ticket offers in your sales funnel and campaign efforts?

I don’t know about you, but we want to maximize sales conversions AND profits while also building a lifestyle business.

If so, then this Free Sales Funnel...

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How to Get Consistent Digital Marketing RESULTS Amid Constant Change digital marketing success online business Oct 12, 2023

My favorite UFC champion taught me something that holds parallel truth in direct response copywriting, content writing, and digital marketing.

Anderson (the Spider) Silva has achieved mesmerizing, awe-inspiring wins over championship level fighters using a broader range of tools than, arguably,...

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Why Digital Marketing Success Is Critical digital marketing success entrepreneurship online business May 09, 2023

The truth about human psychology is that we are more likely to make a change to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.

Think about it...we're creatures of habit. Many will maintain habits, even bad ones, until they get that diagnosis that they have to stop...or else!


The same is true for...

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